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Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Step 1. Register online at:

Step 2. Upload on site or send to your article and personal information. The article should be in rtf format. File size is not more than 8 MB.

Step 3. Wait for one of the following results:

The article is accepted;

Amendments should be made;

The article is rejected.


Article composition

Material should be placed in the following order:


First and last name of author(s), scientific degree, academic rank, place of employment, address, country, contact e-mail.


Key words


Main body of an article


Thanks (if necessary)

Notes (if necessary)


Layout requirements

The size of an article is 5000 – 10000 words (without tables, pictures or schemes)

An article is to be a text in an rtf format

Print type: Times New Roman, size – 14, interval between lines – 1,15, interval between passages – 6 points.

Please note the absence of indentations.

Do not use underlining.

Do not use italicizing excessively.

Do not use automatic hyphenation.

Language of an article: English.

If English is not your native language, an article is to be proofread by a native language professional.

Ukrainian authors in addition to the English variant of an article submit its translation into Ukrainian and Ukrainian summary.

Authors from other countries may ad lib submit translation of an article into their native language and corresponding summary.

The English version of an article is to be accompanied by English summary of at least 150 words and a list of 5 key words. Summary should be informative and short, reflect the content of an article and reveal main stages of research. In Summary, avoid abbreviations, shortenings, or citations.

Key words should correspond to the text of an article. They are given in alphabetic order and separated by comas.

The list of references is compiled in accordance with Harvard System ( ).

References in the List are given in their original language, in alphabetical order. First go Cyrillic references, then Latin ones.

References in the text are given after citations.

If reference refers to the source text in general, author’s name and publishing year are given in round brackets, e. g., (Smith, 2016). If the List of References includes several works by one author published the same year, they should be differentiated in text with the help of Latin letters after the year, e.g., (Smith, 2016a), (Smith, 2016b).

If reference refers to a specific citation, author’s name, publishing year and page number are given in round brackets, e.g., (Smith, 2016: 15).

If reference refers to several sources, it is given in the following way: (Smith, 2016; Edwards, 2015; Lusdorf, 2001a, 2001b)

If reference consists of several authors, first author’s name followed by et al., publishing year and, if necessary, page number are given in round brackets after citation, e.g., (Smith et al., 2016), (Smith et al., 2016: 15).

Notes are to be numbered according to their appearance in the text. All notes are to be placed together at the end of an article before the list of references.


Publication Costs

Publishing is free for authors.

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The names and emails indicated by users of this journal site will only be used to perform the internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed and transferred to third parties.

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